Over The Rainbow / Niji no Kanata ni / 虹の彼方に [English Patched]

Free download Over The Rainbow

Title: Niji no Kanata ni
Original title: 虹の彼方に
Length: Very short (< 2 hours)
Year: Japan 2006-06-03, English Patch 2010-08-29
Developer: #define
Publishers: #define
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Tengu Translations

Miku is 19 years old, and she’s confined to a hospital bed since her seventh birthday because of a nasty disease that ruined mind and body alike.
But now even her hospital doctor and therapist cannot stand anymore to simply watch the pain of her existence: thus…

1. You need to change locale to Japanese.

2. No need to install.

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File size:144.7MB

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